Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Another day another several thousand yen.

I’m in a surprisingly good mood at the moment, mainly because I’ve got quite a lot done in the past 24 hours. Yesterday we (me and Ellison) went to get my International Driver’s license (which expires at the end of June) changed into a Japanese license. I won’t bore you with the details suffice to say it took ages and involved hundreds of pointless questions about the British licensing system.

Today my only lesson has been cancelled which is good. I’ve also finally sorted out my GoLloyds application (so I can finally send money home), faxed the previous owner of my car all the updated documentation and completed several sets of exam questions for various people. And it’s not even 10 o’clock yet.

Having a three day week also helps. Had yesterday off and got Friday off due to the wonder that is choseibi. Bliss.

This weekend I’m supposed to be going paragliding off a volcano. Yay? It’s been a while since I’ve done anything unique to Japan and I think the volcano aspect means this probably belongs in that category. It’s only going to be about £45 as well for three actual descents; two from 45ft and a final one from 150ft down in to a valley. Hopefully I’ll be able to conquer my crippling fear of heights to do this. I’m actually really looking forward to it.

Then again, I may be jumping the gun (no pun). The rain recently has been amazing in its intensity. Yesterday, as we were driving to the city to sort the license out, I could hardly see three feet in front of the bonnet so strong was the downpour. And last night we had an incredible lightning storm. I’d gone to bed as soon as we’d got home (about 6pm) as I had a headache so I was wide awake at about 12 when the sky literally lit up like it was the middle of the day. And the thunder…I’ve never heard it that loud before. It was like being in one of those Hammer horror Dracula films; the thunder really did make a cracking sound like a movie sound effect. It was great. I tried to get the lightning on camera but it didn’t pick it up. Needless to say however, if this continues paragliding is off.

No idea what I’m going to do on Friday…I have the whole day to do as I please. I really should get out and about, take a drive somewhere in Kyushu, take a day trip to Fukuoka and do some shopping, but I’ll probably end up saving the money and staying home. Meh, I’ve got at least another 14 months to do the exciting stuff!

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