Saturday, November 19, 2005


As I now know some people still read this thing I have endeavoured to write in it more often. Like now.

I’ve just come out of a class that I knew I was going to dislike. As luck would have it (or not) my first class on a Monday morning is the worst that I have at Hikawa. It’s awful; they never listen, Fukuda-sensei is unable to control them and I might as well not be there. Today was different however.

Today was worse. They were just literally not acknowledging our presence infront of the class. They acted as if they had a free period and were able to do what they liked for 50 minutes. Plus they had a cat. An actual cat. More of a kitten really. I was initially torn between two decisions, telling Fukuda-sensei or just watching the kitten. It was all ginger and lovely. After a few seconds though I felt it was my duty to inform my JTE so I did and the cat was promptly escorted out of the classroom. Where it went I will probably never know. Either the office or the nearest toilet bowl.

Anyway, the reason this one hasn’t gone up as soon as I’d hoped was that I’ve been getting headaches from staring at this damn screen so much. Argh.

Today I have been looking at the Xbox 360. Mmmm. It looks nice. Tempting. Especially as I have a 28” Flatscreen TV doing basically nothing, this’d give it a nice workout.

I don’t know why I’m torturing myself, I can’t afford one anyway. Not sure if I put this up here before but I’m going to Cambodia this Christmas and it’s costing me a pretty penny. At the moment I’m surviving off noodles and cups of tea and trying to limit my expenses as much as possible. I’ve started walking to work instead of driving, am conserving any usable resource such as kitchen towels and washing up liquid and have decided, as bad as it may get, not to turn on the heaters.

Now that last one may not seem too bad until you realise that it hits about 0 degrees here at night. Well, so it does in England sometimes, I hear you shout! True, but English houses have central heating. Insulation. Thick walls. My apartment does not, being designed for the hot weather of the summer. The walls are about 3cm thick, and I have no reason to guess the ceiling is any thicker. Basically, I may as well be outside. Last night I went to bed wearing shorts, jogging pants, two pairs of socks, two t-shirts and a cardigan. I was under three sheets. I was still cold. So cold that it woke me up several times during the night. Nice.

So, you can see that keeping the heaters off is a pretty big sacrifice. BUT, I am trying to put together a nice little wad for when I come home so…I’m sure I can live with it.


Anyway, on to some pictures:

Hannah and a dam. An interesting combination.

Me and some schoolgirls. An erotic combination

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Us again, More photos please, I am exceedingly interested in the length of your hair, and can't wait to see Samuri Ric!
Mum & Dad